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Cambridge, Kitchener, & Waterloo First Aid & CPR/AED Recertification

In Canada, Standard and Emergency First Aid certificates are valid for three years. To keep your certification valid, you need to complete a recertification course before the expiration date of the Standard First Aid & CPR training. Emergency First Aid & CPR certificate holders must complete the full course again to maintain their certificate validity.

The life-saving skills you learn when acquiring your First Aid training and certification are significant. However, since many of us don’t practice these often, it is easy to forget them. That is why recertification is required to keep your skills up-to-date and learn about new developments in First Aid and CPR.

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Has Your Current Certificate Expired?

Expired certificate? No problem! If you are not eligible for a Recertification course, complete the full training in an Online Blended format. Learn more about our full Online Blended course below:

If your certificate has already expired (or our Recertification course dates don’t work for you), check out our Online Blended training dates by clicking here.

What is Online Blended?

Our Online Blended training format allows students to complete their full training in two sections: online and in-class. The online portion will cover the theory whereas the in-class portion covers hands-on training. This course is WSIB approved through the Canadian Red Cross. Please keep in mind that this option is a full training course, not a Recertification course.

If you have any questions regarding our First Aid and CPR courses, please contact us at 866-291-9121.

Workplace Regulations and Requirements

Any workplace covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act in Ontario must provide First Aid training to certain employees. Regulation 1101 sets the number of people per shift required and the type of First Aid training needed. A WSIB approved partner, such as Coast2Coast First Aid, must provide the training.

According to these regulations, a place with less than five employees requires at least one employee with Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED. Workplaces with more than six employees must have at least one person with a Standard First Aid & CPR/AED certificate per shift. Employees in some companies need annual recertification.

Difference Between Emergency & Standard First Aid

The difference between Emergency First Aid & CPR and Standard First Aid & CPR is the time required and the type of emergencies you can treat. In both courses, you learn CPR and the use of the AED. Emergency First Aid is an introductory course teaching the prevention of and response to cardiovascular emergencies, other breathing emergencies, choking, breathing, and preventing disease transmission. Standard First Aid is a more intensive training course.

Depending on your workplace requirements, just about everyone needs some form of First Aid training, including employees in retail, security guards, drivers, childcare workers, those caring for the elderly, and marine employees are just some examples of people needing certification.

Once you have completed your retraining for the Cambridge Recertification Standard First Aid CPR/AED, you can help people in emergencies more confidently. 

Frequently Asked Questions

You should ensure that your First Aid training does not expire before retraining; otherwise, you will not qualify for recertification and must retake the full training course. Recertification courses are quicker and cost less than doing the entire course. Remember, the blended courses allow you to do the theoretical modules of your course online, making the time required for the in-class sections shorter.

First Aid recertification allows you to refresh your First Aid knowledge and techniques, saving you from having to retake the entire First Aid course. Recertification helps you save both money and time.

You need to recertify your first aid before the three years are up; otherwise, you will not qualify for the Cambridge Recertification First Aid & CPR/AED training. If your original certification expires, you must take the whole First Aid training course from the start.

All levels of First Aid expire after three years in Canada. You need to ensure that you do the recertification before it expires. If your certificate lapses, you must redo the whole First Aid training.

First Aid is valid in Ontario for three years. These are the criteria you must meet if you wish to complete a Cambridge Recertification First Aid & CPR/AED training course:

  • You must have a valid Standard First Aid & CPR/AED certificate that has not expired.
  • The certificate must be from the Canadian Red Cross or an approved provider for you to do the Cambridge Recertification First Aid & CPR/AED.
  • After one recertification, candidates need to take the complete training course.
  • Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED certificates cannot be recertified but require you to complete the entire training each time. The blended Emergency First Aid & CPR course is ideal, especially if you are working.